Saturday, July 27, 2013

Week 3 EOC: Smoking

Tipalet 1960
Picture this you are in a restaurant. You know, just minding your own business looking good like always. All sudden something catches your eye and you look up. Then you see her, a beautifully gorgeous woman across the room. What do you do?
  1.   You can go up to her and talk to her. (She might just turn you down before you get there.)
  2.   You can pretend you don’t notice her and she will instantly become gravitated towards you. (Woman like mystery and that sort of thing. Then again she won’t even know your there.)
  3.  Or better yet you can light up a Tipalet cigarette, which comes in various flavors like: tangy Tipalet Cherry, rich grape-y Tipalet Burgundy, or even luscious Tipalet Blueberry. 

You’ll pick 3. Then you will go across the room and look her straight in the eyes like there’s nobody else in the room.  Then slowly but coolly blow your smoke in her face. She’ll be surprised by your confidence and of course the fact that you smoke Tipalet brand cigarettes. Or maybe she could get angry and slap you, but we both now that won’t happen.

As you can see by this poster her eyes will just gravitate towards you. That marvelous aroma will just make her want you more. Then, you’ll chuckle on how simple that was. In the end, she will follow you around like a lost puppy. 

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